Third Term

1. The student talks, about information that comes of different sources (own or the others) and situations or wishes that did not happen in their daily life.

2. The student writes about his / her obligations with others in their scholar and familiar life.

3. The student compares Bogotá with other cities taking to account life style, education, economy, through reading and listening activities

Reinforcement Activities Third Term

Hello, I was thinking on the activities for reinforcement and I decide that the reinforcement activities will be: You have to do all the activities develop in the term. If you must do something virtual, for example the activities made in the lab, you have to do them by hand and give me thos on the portfolio. Happy week.

Week's activities

10th A


Draw a picture that represents the tittle of the reading: Environmentally friendly ideas. Read the article on page 114 and solve the exercises.

Write a report in which you describe how would be a five day school trip based on the parameters described on the book.


Watch a video and answer the questions written for this.

Teacher will select some sentences and you have to decide if they are correct or not.

By pairs you have to select one of the projects given in class and define the problem, the strategy and the way that they will collect the information


Lab: Digital brochure to take care of the environment.

10th B


Lab: Digital brochure to take care of the environment.


Draw a picture that represents the tittle of the reading: Environmentally friendly ideas. Read the article on page 114 and solve the exercises.

Write a report in which you describe how would be a five day school trip based on the parameters described on the book.


Watch a video and answer the questions written for this.

Teacher will select some sentences and you have to decide if they are correct or not.


By pairs you have to select one of the projects given in class and define the problem, the strategy and the way that they will collect the information

10th C


Draw a picture that represents the tittle of the reading: Environmentally friendly ideas. Read the article on page 114 and solve the exercises.


Write a report in which you describe how would be a five day school trip based on the parameters described on the book.


Watch a video and answer the questions written for this.

Teacher will select some sentences and you have to decide if they are correct or not.

By pairs you have to select one of the projects given in class and define the problem, the strategy and the way that they will collect the information


Lab: Digital brochure to take care of the environment.

10th D


Lab: Digital brochure to take care of the environment.


Draw a picture that represents the tittle of the reading: Environmentally friendly ideas. Read the article on page 114 and solve the exercises.

Write a report in which you describe how would be a five day school trip based on the parameters described on the book.


Watch a video and answer the questions written for this.

Teacher will select some sentences and you have to decide if they are correct or not.

By pairs you have to select one of the projects given in class and define the problem, the strategy and the way that they will collect the information


A New Dream ( Wuski A-Baw-Tan)  By Jennifer Pierce (Shawnee People)




I have seen the rain speak 

and the wind dance.

I have seen the lightning knife

cut the sky

I have seen the hills

at the first light of day

whispering secrets

to the Southwind People´s ear

I am happy 

I am no longer thirsty

I dance a warrior dance

I am not sick, I am free!

This night I dream a new dream!

Now, I come to drink the stars!

Second Term

Achievement indicators:

1 The student talks about his / her dreams ,superstitions, behaviours and possible choices, related to free time, in a written way.

2. The student writes about relationships in our days according to technology.

3. The student reads and listens to about life styles in Bogotá, in different epochs or ages.


Reinforcement Second Term

1. To write an article about superstitions in Colombia ( using conditionals) each superstition has to have an imagen or a picture. Be prepare for an oral presentation.

2. Write a text ( a report) explaining the origin and the history of your name and last name. Oral presentation.

3. Prepare a short presentation (3 minutes) about world conspirances.

Vacations activities



10th A

1.       Watch the video for unit # 6 and answer the questions ( Tittle: Video unit 6 Computer Games

Questionnaire tittle: Questions unit 6

2.       Workshop topics studied (Tittle: workshop topics review;

3.       Book pages: 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69.

10th B

1.       Watch the video for unit # 6 and answer the questions ( Tittle: Video unit 6 Computer Games

Questionnaire tittle: Questions unit 6

2.       Workshop topics studied (Tittle: workshop topics review;

3.        Book pages: 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69.

10th C

1.       Watch the video for unit # 6 and answer the questions ( Tittle: Video unit 6 Computer Games

Questionnaire tittle: Questions unit 6

2.       Workshop topics studied (Tittle: workshop topics review;

3.        Book pages: 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69.

10th D

1.       Watch the video for unit # 6 and answer the questions ( Tittle: Video unit 6 Computer Games

Questionnaire tittle: Questions unit 6

2.       Workshop topics studied (Tittle: workshop topics review;

3.        Book pages: 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69.Write a review about your best movie or your best book take in to account the  parameters written on the page 149

Workshop topics review

First Term Reinforcement

1. Create an adverstiment about yourself, in which you are going to describe yorselves, your good and bad habits, interest, abilities, your rules, most important values, etc. (Speaking about this, around 3 minutes)

2. Write an article related to an important gadget for the history of humans, this article has to have from 150 to 180 words, and you can use the parameters described on page 149 to write articles.

3. Prepare an oral presentation about the best festival in the world, you can use photos , visual aids,  etc. (Time: from 3 to 4 minutes)

Note: You have to deliver this work on the week of 9 to 13 of June

First Term

Achievement indicators:

1. The student talks, about his / her routines, habits, likes or dislikes in their present and past time.

2. The student writes logical inferences, about his / her most important experiences lived in the city

3. The student reads and listens about plans, sales and offers, showing respect for the opinion of his / her partners

10th grade students, her you can find the tolls and the scores that you need to repeat. Don't forget the dates for each one of the group.
Peajes 1er trimestre.xlsx
Tabla de Microsoft Excel 30.3 KB
First Reading
Here you have the first reading of the year, don´t forget that you have to make a mental representationa and the glossary in the portfolio. It was taken by:
First Reading tenth grade.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 92.9 KB
Portfolio Reading
Documento Adobe Acrobat 396.0 KB