Third Term

Achievements Indicators

1. The student talks about problems between parents and children, history importance in his/her knowledge.

2. The student writes different types of text as stories, essays, articles and letters based on history, familiar situations, ads influence.

3. The student reads and listens to about the advertisment influences on people, important teenagers around the world and history based on the respect and tolerance for different contexts and opinions. 

Video Unit 12

Video Unit 11

Video Unit 10

Video Unit 9

Second Term

Achievement Indicators

1. The student talks about sports and internet rules emphasising on fair play and self-security.

2. The student writes about different types of text as review, article, essay and formal letters based on arts, education, etc. 

3. The student reads and listens to about women’s boxing, artistic events, schools around the world and technology with respect and tolerance for different contexts inside the world. 

Vocabulary Workshop

First Term

Workshop to print
How did I do.docx
Documento Microsoft Word 14.9 KB
For tomorrow
Please, print it, if you don't have the book yet.
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.1 MB


We want you to write a description of either someone in your family or your best friend. 

Now write your description (120-180) words. Remember to include the following:

1. Introduction ( who you are describing)

2. Physical description

3. Personality description

4. Conclusion (why this person is important to you)