Third Term

Activities of the week





9 C

Monday: Role play presentation.  Book activities and workshop about decisions.

Tuesday: English day rehearsal

Wednesday: Lab: Look for information about different types of jobs.

                     Write  report about jobs around the world

Thursday: Reading Plan  


Monday: Role play preparations and presentations. Spelling game and English day rehearsal.

Thursday: Book activities and workshop about decisions

Friday: Reading plan                 

              Lab: Write a report 




Problematic Situations

1. You can’t wake up in the morning.

2. Your bedroom is always messy.

3. You never hand in your homework on time.

4. You feel shy when you talk to the opposite sex.

5. You don’t have any friends.

6. You haven’t studied for today’s exam.

7. You’re overweight.

8. You have no Internet service.

9. Your computer has a virus.

10. You hate your school.

11. You have ink on your shirt.

12. You can’t sleep.

13. You’re addicted to cigarettes.

Second Term

Achievement indicators:

1. The student discuses about health, happiness and medicine in oral debates base on mutually respectful.    

2. The student investigates, introduces and describes exceptional people using a descriptive text demonstrating a collective sense of responsibility.  

3. The student organizes and writes a story about personal experience showing respect for the opinion of his / her partners

World Health

Families  in India

Modern Family 

Modern family quiz
After you watch the video related to modern family, please download this and solve it.
modern-family-quiz (1).pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 364.2 KB

Family Workshops

family-word-scramble (1).pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 4.6 KB
Documento Adobe Acrobat 183.7 KB